NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Quality Safety and Cost Considerations

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Quality Safety and Cost Considerations


Capella university

NURS-FPX 4900 Capstone project for Nursing

Prof. Name


Assessing the Problem: Quality, Safety, and Cost Considerations

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a condition of consuming alcohol excessively over some time. It is responsible for approximately three million deaths and 130 million disability-adjusted lives annually (Boschuetz & German, 2023). No particular factors are accountable for its prevalence among adults, but few factors are known to be responsible for AUD. The factors include living environment (family), social relations (with friends and others), inherited predisposition, cognitive functioning, and personality disorders (Nehring & Freeman, 2020). This paper details how AUD impacts Mr. Paul, a 36-year-old male (our concerned patient), regarding life quality, safety, and cost. The two practicum hours spent with Mr. Paul allowed for the development of targeted strategies to improve health and monetary outcomes. 

Problem’s Effect on Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Care Costs

AUD is not an exclusive concern that impacts an individual, family, or society; it impacts multiple aspects of life at the individual and societal levels. Mr. Paul’s life is affected by associated issues like strained relations with family (wife and children), high health risk factors, and poor productivity. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the detrimental impact of alcoholism on individuals and society by being the cause of 200 diseases, mental and behavioral issues, and economic loss (WHO, 2022). The problem impacts a person’s health by affecting the liver, making it vulnerable to infections due to a weakened immune system, and becoming a reason for several diseases like cardiovascular issues, reducing life quality. It also impacted psychosocial life due to impaired neuron function and the central nervous system, causing dementia and strained relations at home with family, with friends, and at the workplace with colleagues. Eventually, it consumes excessive money to fulfill addiction, address health concerns, and create further complexities (Varghese & Dakhode, 2022). 

Effect on Care Quality

AUD can significantly impact a patient’s behavior toward the intervention. Considering Paul’s physical, psychological, and social health concerns due to AUD demands evidence-based and patient-centered interventions. For instance, due to AUD, Mr. Paul struggles to access interventions like pharmacotherapies and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Without these interventions, his quality of care is compromised, leading to challenges in managing his addiction effectively (Wolfe et al., 2023). AUD also affects an individual’s behavior, so a patient’s inability to engage in a collaborative care plan can impact the quality of care (Maharjan et al., 2022). Mr. Paul may miss appointments, disregard treatment recommendations, or struggle to communicate. It influences his decision-making abilities and preferences regarding the care plan. These factors can hinder a patient’s recovery journey due to inconsistency, non-adherence, and gaps in treatment, leading to compromised quality of care (Macmurdo et al., 2021). 

Effect on Patient Safety

AUD can be due to various factors, and it could require a multifaceted approach to treat health’s physical and psychological aspects. As excessive alcohol consumption can cause neurological dysfunction, a person can have depression, hormonal imbalance, sleep deprivation, and poor productivity, so there are several patient risk-associated (Ahn et al., 2021). For instance, medication management risks, risk of relapse or harm, and social/environmental safety concerns. Mr. Paul’s AUD increases the mentioned risks due to non-adherence or mixing medications with alcohol, leading to adverse events. The chances of relapsing or harm due to triggering situations or strained relationships have the potential to increase the likelihood of accidents and broken family ties (Kurihara et al., 2023). These factors can jeopardize the patient’s (Mr. Paul’s) well-being and potentially cause health complications.

Effect on Care Costs

AUD hurts cost-effectiveness in several ways. For instance, AUD increases healthcare utilization expenses, which are responsible for productivity losses and demand for long-term care and support, which takes excessive cost. Mr. Paul’s AUD contributes to increased expenses due to frequent emergency room visits, alcohol-related issues, and services for addiction treatment (Macmurdo et al., 2021). AUD also impacts Mr. Paul’s ability to work or maintain employment due to health-related challenges, absenteeism, or reduced productivity, leading to economic loss and strain for Mr. Paul and his family. If AUD is not effectively addressed, Mr. Paul will require long-term care services for rehabilitation, demanding sustained costs for healthcare providers, insurers, and individuals. Data from 2010 states that excessive consumption of alcohol costs $28 billion in medical spending due to health conditions associated with AUD (Ozluk et al., 2022). These factors significantly put a financial burden on both the patient and the healthcare system. 

State Board of Nursing Practice Standards

American Nurse Association (ANA) plays an important role in AUD management by advocating for evidence-based practice, patient-centered care, and interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals through their standards and guidelines. The ANA helps ensure that nurses are well-equipped to provide comprehensive and personalized care to individuals with AUD (like Mr. Paul). It also promotes positive treatment outcomes and improves quality of life through ANA’s Code of Ethics. It allows consistent and ethical obligations for enhanced care quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness (ANA, n.d.). Mr. Paul will benefit from informed, skilled, and compassionate healthcare providers through the mentioned standards of evidence-based and ethically obliged practices. 

Similarly, several organizational policies play significant roles in ensuring AUD patients have improved quality care cost-effectively. For instance, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides resources, guidelines, and funding for substance use disorder treatment programs, including AUD, promoting patient safety, access to evidence-based interventions, and cost-effective care (Canady, 2020). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also focuses on public health strategies, preventive initiatives, and data collection related to AUD, aiming to reduce harm and improve safety (CDC, 2022). Moreover, the Food and Drug Administration is an organization that benefits Mr. Paul’s AUD management, allowing for enhanced patient safety and approved medication for improved and effective care (Mason, 2021).

Further, various governmental policies contribute to managing AUD effectively for patients like Paul. For instance, The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) ensures that insurance coverage for mental health issues due to AUD is comparable to other medical conditions (CMS, 2023). It prohibits discriminatory practices in insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) covers screening, treatment, and medical expenses. There are several benefits associated with ACA in AUD management, stating it provides financial security, accessibility to primary care and preventive services, and it also reduces the risk of mortality through timely and usual care provision (Olfson et al., 2021). Both these policies ensure that Mr. Paul gets cost-effective and equitable care in managing AUD. 

Policy Impacts on Nursing Scope of Practice

Organizations and policies have a tremendous impact on the scope of nursing practice at all levels. These policies outline nurses’ roles, responsibilities, and permissible activities in a healthcare setting. These guidelines help nurses understand their legal and ethical boundaries, enabling them to make appropriate interventions. Policies related to nursing education influence their knowledge, skills, and competencies with evolving healthcare practices (Nehring et al., 2021). It allows nurses to have specialized training for managing health concerns like AUD for Mr. Paul, considering multiple options like pharmacotherapy, counseling, and relapse prevention strategies. These policies also encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, promoting coordinated and seamless care provision with the assistance of nurses. In this way, nurses are crucial for implementing evidence-based, individualized care within ethical boundaries in the best interest of the patients and the healthcare system (ANA, n.d.). 

Strategies to Improve the Quality of Care for Patient

The most essential strategy for managing AUD is introducing a combination of physical and psychological treatment recommendations. For patients like Mr. Paul, evidence-based strategies are essential, including pharmacotherapies (e.g., naltrexone and acamprosate). Studies have shown that the use of medication in combination with therapies has a positive impact on AUD patients as they lower the risk of excessive drinking habits and chances of relapse. These drugs are also approved by the FDA, ensuring their influential role along with behavioral therapy through reducing alcohol cravings and supporting abstinence (Mason, 2021). To make Pharmacotherapy effective, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is essential to improve patient quality and safety and safeguard from long-term cost-effectiveness. Studies have shown that CBT is beneficial because it ensures abstinence, involves high efficacy, and provides family support (Chaudhury et al., 2022).  

Interdisciplinary collaboration is another effective strategy for AUD management. For instance, Mr. Paul needs physical, psychological, and social support to overcome his AUD, so it requires expertise in different disciplines, including nurses, counselors, pharmacists, and social workers. Studies have shown that interdisciplinary collaboration effectively improves treatment rates due to shared skills and shared decision-making, allowing patients, families, and healthcare providers to provide enhanced care (Kools et al., 2022). Patient and family education is essential in treatment adherence and effectiveness for more effective intervention.

Studies have shown that families play a significant role in effective treatment outcomes because they are the second most affected after the patient himself (McCrady, 2021). Mr. Paul has strained relations with his spouse and children, CBT therapy, and involvement of family members for cooperation and their mental health. Lastly, it is essential to integrate Electronic Health Records (EHR) in treatment plans for targeted, collaborative, and tracked plans. It will allow the effective monitoring of patients’ health, symptoms, and progress, as supported by evidence from studies (Frimpong et al., 2023). These strategies have been associated with improved health outcomes, patient safety, and cost-effectiveness in treating patients with AUD. 

Documentation of Practicum Hours

The two practicum hours are documented to enlist, which states engagement with the patient (Mr. Paul) for developing and implementing targeted strategies to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. The objective of implementing evidence-based pharmacotherapies and CBT was achieved after consultation with Mr Paul. We also agreed upon a collaborative healthcare approach involving Mr. Paul’s family in the treatment plan. The hours have enhanced my understanding of AUD management and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and communication.  


In conclusion, AUD profoundly impacts individuals like Mr. Paul regarding life quality, safety, and cost. The detrimental effects necessitate evidence-based interventions, collaboration, and adherence to policy standards. Organizations like ANA, SAMHSA, CDC, and policies like MHPAEA and ACA play crucial roles in shaping nursing practice. These organizations and policies improve care quality and ensure cost-effective management of AUD. Implementing strategies like Pharmacotherapies, CBT, and interdisciplinary collaboration, family education is significant as supported by current literature. Lastly, using EHR can significantly enhance the quality of care and safety and reduce costs associated with AUD management. 


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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Quality Safety and Cost Considerations

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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Quality Safety and Cost Considerations

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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Quality Safety and Cost Considerations