NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 3 Evaluation of an Information System Change

NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 3 Evaluation of an Information System Change


Capella university

NURS-FPX 6416 Managing the Nursing Informatics Life Cycle

Prof. Name


Evaluation Report

Based on our previous recommendation, our organization has implemented an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system for efficiently managing patients’ records. This report focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of the change in the health information system and analyzes the outcomes achieved within the organization. This report accounts for three evaluation frameworks: quality of information, outcomes of quality care, and structural quality. 

Quality of Information Framework

One of the significant aspects of evaluating an information system is checking the quality of the information it stores. Four aspects are interlinked to the quality of information: completeness and accuracy of data, user satisfaction with the system, patient satisfaction with the system, and patient privacy. As described in the study, data accuracy and completeness are the significant factors ensuring data quality in EHR systems.

These factors are essential to develop effective patient-centered interventions (Charnock, 2019). Moreover, these components ensure that the information system is safe for our patients by minimizing the chances of errors. User and patient satisfaction with any change in the healthcare system is vital. User satisfaction refers to the users’ overall experience related to the EHR system, which includes user-friendliness, ease of use, accessibility, and the system’s ability to meet users’ expectations.

NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 3 Evaluation of an Information System Change

Similarly, patient satisfaction is described as their contentment with the services they receive through this health records system (Wali et al., 2020). Analyzing user satisfaction and patient satisfaction is crucial as they depict the achievement of our goals to make the system less resource-intensive, easy to use, improve data accessibility, prevent patient safety, and improve patient health outcomes. Lastly, maintaining data privacy is another crucial capability of the health records system.

As per the article by Keshta & Odeh (2021), preserving data privacy and maintaining confidentiality are essential aspects in healthcare settings to fully abide by the HIPAA law using data security measures such as unauthorized access controls using password-protected databases, data encryption tools, and regular cyber-security audits. Maintaining patient privacy helps assess the project’s impact on patients’ trust in the organization and healthcare providers, and it ensures that the organization is following privacy regulations and helps improve its reputation. 

Quality Care Framework 

The components of the quality care framework are the efficiency of work using the system and the appropriateness of care when using the system. 

  • Efficiency with the system: Efficiency of the system is defined as its ability to impact healthcare processes and the effectiveness of the work. This component assesses the system’s ability to streamline the workflow, minimize the workload, and optimize the allocation of resources (Karp et al., 2019). Since the paper-based records system is resource-intensive and time-consuming, evaluating the efficiency of the EHR system provides sufficient data to assess the impact of change on effectively and timely managing organizational tasks, ensuring that patient remains the priority. 

NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 3 Evaluation of an Information System Change

  • Appropriateness of care: This component examines how much the health records system assists in providing evidence-based and accurate care. This entails evaluating the system’s ability to provide real-time access to patient information and clinical guidelines to aid healthcare providers in clinical decision-making. The results can be evaluated through patient outcomes, alignment of care and treatment with evidence-based best practices, reduced errors, and improved safety. Appropriate care results in positive patient outcomes such as improved health, fewer complications, and reduced hospital stays. Similarly, they positively influence an organization’s workflow and operations; thus, they assist in evaluating the impact of the change project and drive continuous improvements. 

Structural Quality Framework 

When defining and evaluating the structural quality framework for using the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, one must consider organizational support, hardware and software effectiveness, and overall system functionality as essential components. Organizational support is an organization’s strategy to adopt the health records system effectively.

This includes evaluating the leadership commitment, allocation of resources (Holmgren et al., 2022), establishing policies, and promoting a culture to adopt and integrate the system into the organization. Hardware and software effectiveness refers to the components’ reliability, performance, and scope. For example, in hardware, the most important aspect to evaluate the quality is its ability to meet demands without requiring troubleshooting or downtime. Similarly, for software, the quality relies on its efficiency for capturing and processing data. 

Lastly, overall system functionality plays a vital role and must be evaluated after implementation, which includes its ability to meet the needs of the organization, healthcare providers, and patients. System functionality also includes interoperability and integration of information. Interoperability is the system’s ability to connect information with other information systems within the organization. Thus improving communication gaps, enhancing clinical decision-making, and supporting comprehensive patient care (Torab-Miandoab et al., 2023). These components of the structural framework assist the interdisciplinary team of stakeholders in identifying the influence of EHR systems on the organization and the patients, ultimately providing directions to retain or improve the system’s abilities. Such an evaluation will guide the organization to improve continuously, ensuring quality healthcare services. 


Charnock, V. (2019). Electronic healthcare records and data quality. Health Information & Libraries Journal36(1), 91–95.

Holmgren, A. J., Phelan, J., Jha, A. K., & Adler‐Milstein, J. (2022). Hospital organizational strategies associated with advanced EHR adoption. Health Services Research57(2), 259–269. 

Karp, E. L., Freeman, R., Simpson, K. N., & Simpson, A. N. (2019). Changes in efficiency and quality of nursing electronic health record documentation after implementation of an admission patient history essential data set. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing37(5), 260. 

NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 3 Evaluation of an Information System Change

Keshta, I., & Odeh, A. (2021). Security and privacy of electronic health records: Concerns and challenges. Egyptian Informatics Journal22(2), 177–183. 

Torab-Miandoab, A., Samad-Soltani, T., Jodati, A., & Rezaei-Hachesu, P. (2023). Interoperability of heterogeneous health information systems: A systematic literature review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making23, 18. 

Wali, R. M., Alqahtani, R. M., Alharazi, S. K., Bukhari, S. A., & Quqandi, S. M. (2020). Patient satisfaction with the implementation of electronic medical Records in the Western Region, Saudi Arabia, 2018. BMC Family Practice21(1), 37. 

NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 3 Evaluation of an Information System Change

Appendix 1

Evaluation Plan Table

Implementation Goals

Framework Components


Frequency of Measurement 

Reason for Chosen Measurements 

Successfully implement the EHR system to increase the effectiveness and precision of patient records management.

Completeness and correctness of data

Hardware and software effectiveness

Patient Satisfaction

System functionality 

Efficiency with the use of the system

Appropriateness of care with the use of the system

Percentage of patient records that are complete and accurate.

Patient satisfaction levels after the use of the system.


The percentage of patient records that are complete and accurate is a crucial measure that shows the quality of the system. By tracking this metric over time, organizations can identify any areas of improvement in the EHR system.

Patient satisfaction is a vital indicator of the quality of healthcare services. This metric helps the organization assess the EHR system’s efficiency in meeting patients’ needs and requirements. 

Train staff on the new EHR system and ensure a seamless transition. 

User satisfaction

Organizational support

User feedback on the implementation of the EHR system. 

Percentage of resource savings within the organization. 


Quarterly (3-month period)

User feedback will provide insights into the staff’s comfort and competency to use the system. Such a metric will help the organization identify the need for further training and ongoing user support.

Cost-effectiveness is one of the vital aspects of any change in the organization. By tracking organizational savings, stakeholders can debate the system’s effectiveness and improve its quality accordingly. Moreover, these resources can be used on other important organizational operations. Thus, keeping a record of resources utilized and saved is imperative.