NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 2 Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 2 Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources
Capella university
NURS-FPX 4030 Making Evidence-Based Decisions
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Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources
Stroke is a serious disability in which blood flow to a particular brain area is disrupted. Each year in the United States, about seven hundred ninety thousand people suffer stroke. It is the fifth most public source of casualty in the United States and can result in long-term severe disability (Ikeme et al., 2022). This analysis aims to set criteria for evaluating the efficacy of stroke resources. The next section of this paper will dive further into the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) that could help nurses manage strokes.
The Diagnosis of Stroke
Stroke is characterized by acute neurological impairment caused by vascular damage to the central nervous system. Small vessel arteriolosclerosis, cardio-embolism, and extensive artery thromboembolism are the leading causes of ischemic strokes. Hypertension is the most crucial modifiable risk factor for stroke (Murphy & Werring, 2020). In a physical examination of stroke, cognitive function, coordination, mental alertness, sensation in your face, arms, and legs, speech, and visual clarity are most important (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2022).
Patient-centered care is best done by staff training on analyzing research sources, and EBP implementation can improve the treatment plan (Hikichi et al., 2019). Clinical practice guidelines are well-thought-out statements supporting medical professionals in using evidence-based practices (McCurtin et al., 2020).
The Benefits of Applying an Evidence-Based Approach
Stroke is a life-threatening emergency needs instant medical attention in order to avoid death. Good clinical practice guidelines are based on EBP and include recommendations supported by the most recent research literature. EBP is a problem-solving approach in healthcare that combines patient preferences, values, and healthcare professionals’s knowledge. Implementing stroke competency programs requires stroke nurses with extensive experience and advanced degrees in clinical practice.
Establishing the Criteria for Determining Credibility
The CRAAP test—which looks at Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose—is an excellent tool for analyzing stroke-related evidence and determining the reliability and applicability of sources. When exploring credible sources, it is essential to emphasize the significance of currency (Zhang et al., 2023). It is vital to recognize credible sources for stroke management and rehabilitation. Nurses can use PubMed and Google Scholar, and applying the peer-reviewed articles of healthcare professionals can provide specific treatments that slow the progression of stroke disability by applying an evidence-based framework (Hikichi et al., 2019). Trustworthy medical websites such as the Mayo Clinic provide evidence-based current information about stroke. Content credibility is guaranteed by using editorial boards created by approved healthcare professionals (Mayo Clinic, 2020).
Applying the Credibility and Relevance of Evidence-Based Practice Model
The Cochrane Stroke Group developed the DORIS database, offering a convenient approach to evidence-based stroke research and stroke-related policies. Ask Doris is also a credible platform that enables a collaborative approach to research activity and implementation of stroke management (Platz, 2019). Nurses increasingly use the World Wide Web (WWW) for health-related concerns. A growing amount of research examines the use of technology in addition to head-on stroke education and self-management techniques.
When discussing stroke, digital health can take many different forms. These include websites, computer programs, tablet and smartphone mobile health apps, and gaming consoles (Inglis-Jassiem et al., 2020). According to the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), evidence-based implementations that target a variety of motor impairments, functional, postural, and cognitive, are common tasks for occupational therapy professionals. Substantial sign supports variety of contributions to improve upper extremity and mental health following stroke (Juckett et al., 2019).
Incorporation of EBP Model for Better Patient Outcome
The Iowa model makes it easier to evaluate problems, investigate the causes, develop solutions, implement those solutions, and maintain successful results for stroke management. It assists in determining the underlying causes, rates, and solutions of healthcare-related issues (Chiwaula et al., 2021). Clinical practitioners understand the need for and support the execution of a high-quality nursing model (Ma, 2022). Five categories related to nurse health learning in stroke rehabilitation were found through data analysis of the literature: education for stroke patients, a program for Stroke Self-Management (SSMP), fall rehabilitation after a stroke, aid and support for the relatives of patients, and oral therapy in stroke victims (Li, 2022).
EBP is a problem-solving approach in healthcare that combines patient preferences, values, and healthcare professionals’ knowledge. Implementing stroke competency programs requires stroke nurses with extensive experience and advanced degrees in clinical practice. In order to decrease scan and treatment decision times, the Quality Care Improvement With Nursing-Driven Acute Stroke Care model uses skilled stroke nurses as leaders to evaluate, plan, and guarantee the efficient execution of processes simultaneously (Camicia et al., 2021). The American Stroke Association (ASA) gathers voluminous patient records and creates large national databases to further scientific research. Hospitals participating in ASA Quality programs provide the data collected at the patient level and only include patients from U.S. hospitals. Information about patients and hospitals is de-identified to protect privacy. Get With The Guidelines® (GWTG) In-Patient and Mission provide quality improvement programs involving data collection for participating hospitals to use for quality improvement initiatives, such as hospital-level research (Quality Research & Publications,2020).
It should be noted that nurses should effectively implement EBP in stroke management and rehabilitation. The delivery of healthcare is regulated by clinical practice guidelines that are based on EBP. The Iowa model is integrated into routine procedures to improve problem-solving. The reliability of stroke-related research and recommendations is enhanced by identifying reliable sources using databases like PubMed, ASA, and Google Scholar and using tools like the DORIS database and Ask Doris.
Camicia, M., Lutz, B., Summers, D., Klassman, L., & Vaughn, S. (2021). Nursing’s role in successful stroke care transitions across the continuum: From acute care into the community. Stroke, 52(12).
Chiwaula, C. H., Kanjakaya, P., Chipeta, D., Chikatipwa, A., Kalimbuka, T., Zyambo, L., Nkata, S., & Jere, D. L. (2021). Introducing evidence based practice in nursing care delivery, utilizing the Iowa model in intensive care unit at Kamuzu central hospital, Malawi. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 14(100272), 100272.
Heart and stroke, A. (n.d.). Quality Research & Publications.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 2 Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources
Hikichi, M., Mizumura, K., Maruoka, S., & Gon, Y. (2019). Pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) induced by cigarette smoke. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 11(S17), S2129–S2140.
Ikeme, S., Kottenmeier, E., Uzochukwu, G., & Brinjikji, W. (2022). Evidence-based disparities in stroke care metrics and outcomes in the United States: A systematic review. Stroke, 53(3).
Inglis-Jassiem, G., Grimmer, K., Conradie, T., & Louw, Q. (2020). Descriptive review of online information resources for people with stroke: Protocol (preprint). JMIR Research Protocols.
Juckett, L. A., Wengerd, L. R., Faieta, J., & Griffin, C. E. (2019). Evidence-based practice implementation in stroke rehabilitation: A scoping review of barriers and facilitators. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(1), 7401205050p1
Li, J. (2022). Nurses’ healthcare guidance for patients at stroke rehabilitation – A literature review.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 2 Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources
Ma, S.-Y. (2022). Evaluating the impact of evidence-based nursing in combination with clinical nursing pathway for nursing care of patients with stroke: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine, 101(2), e28278.
McCurtin, A., Boland, P., Kavanagh, M., Lisiecka, D., Roche, C., & Galvin, R. (2020). Do stroke clinical practice guideline recommendations for the intervention of thickened liquids for aspiration support evidence based decision making? A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(6).
Murphy, S. JX., & Werring, D. J. (2020). Stroke: Causes and Clinical Features. Medicine, 48(9), 561–566.
National heart, lung, and blood institute. (2022, March 24). Stroke – Diagnosis | NHLBI, NIH.
Platz, T. (2019). Evidence-Based Guidelines and Clinical Pathways in Stroke Rehabilitation—An International Perspective. Frontiers in Neurology, 10.
Zhang, J., Han, P., Tang, Y., Xi, W., Xiao, X., & Yang, F. (2023). Popular science and education of cosmetic surgery in China: Quality and reliability evaluation of Douyin short videos.